The first of this season’s three monthly mondo’s was held between rounds one and two of the February monthly today. We had 27 discs in the air at one time from the 65 foot line after the call of “ready two…one…throw!” Each of the three rounds had one clear cut winner. Josh Egbert, Mike Tyberg and Adam Colt divvied up the goodies donated for the CTP. A choice of sweatshirts from Discraft plus a hat, a collared T and a regular T plus a star disc from Innova and a month pass from the shop were offered as prizes this month.
In the Open division 10 time course champion Micah Dorius broke the course record for a single round in tournament play firing a -18 in the first round. He followed that up by shattering his own 2 round record by 5 strokes with a -34. The one round record is about the only tournament record here at Morley that Micah didn’t own until now. John Ahart had the previous record of -17 shot in the 1992 Spring Fling. Of note Carlo Pelg had 14 consecutive birdies in the first round and shot an impressive -16. He finished -28 for 2nd. Carlo’s 2nd place finish score tied for the third best score in our 32 year history.
Micah -34 $90 new course record for 2 rounds
Carlo -28
Jeff L -19
George S -17
Angel G -17
Trey M -15
Jeff N -14
Mike L -14
KG -11
Roper -7
Serban F -2
Willie L +10
Josh E -15^
Mike B -12^
Paul S -12^
Aaron V -11
Quinn H -11
Paul M -8
Chris W -8
Randy W -7
Adam C -6
Danny Z -6
Rob -3
Mike T -3
Justin F -3
Daniel G -3
Auggie +4
Eddy S DNF
Jack D -8^
Ben R -7
Patrick P -7
Shawn S -7
Chris M -6
Robert M -5
Eric S -3
Garrett B -2
Shooter -1
Jay H +2
Shane D +3
KC +5
Yeti +5
Ray S +5
Hawk +6
Ray G +8
Bill C +12
Neil +12
Dennis +12
David F DNF
Trey M aced #16 during 2nd round
* Course Record
^ Bumped up to next division