Daniel “Big D” LichtmanPDGA#25509
Open Division
Began playing disc golf?: I first found disc golf at Campland by the Bay in PB. They had a few baskets in the middle of the park, I was 10 or 11 and had a beach Frisbee, and I had a blast. The next time I saw disc golf baskets was in 1994 at Morley field, but it was a couple more years before I started playing there. Once I started playing Morley, I had the sickness, and now I can't stop!
First Disc: DX Cobra. Dark green. (thanks Snapper!) Horrible disc, but it were great to own one, and not rent anymore!
Favorite Morley Field Hole: Hole 11 without the shoe tree on hole 2. Hole 11 is the most recognized and social hole. I've met plenty of cool people there over the years. It's also the hole where I skip aced E position in a first round, and hit chains on the same basket during a second round in league.
Morley Field Aces: 15 Aces at Morley Field. Hole1(2), 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13(3), 14(2), 16, 17, 18. It seems like 13 should be my favorite hole, having aced it three times now!
Favorite Disc: Star T-Bird. I found one on a course in Indiana a few years ago, started throwing it that day, and loved it. I've replaced it a couple of times, but can't imagine my game without it.
Favorite Driver: I always waiver between the Star Destroyer and ESP Surge
Favorite Midrange: The Crystal Buzz is by far my favorite midrange, but the Comet and Gator are discs that have to go in the bag too
Favorite Putter: JK Aviar is the best piece of plastic in the bag
“In My Bag?": Champion Stingray, Champion Viking, First Run ESP Surge, Star Destroyer, Champion Orc, Sparkle Tsunami, Star T-Bird, Champion Firebird, Star Monster, Champion Gator, Crystal Buzz, First Flight Shockwave, ESP Comet, KC Pro Aviar, JK Pro Aviar, Soft JK Pro aviar
Tourney wins and / or Top 5 finishes (not necessarily from Morley): Top 5 Finishes: 2002 Spring Fling Novice 2nd Place 2004 EIEIO Intermediate 3rd Place 2004 Las Vegas Halloween Classic Intermediate 4th Place 2005 Plastic Pilots El Dorado Open Intermediate 2nd Place 2005 Emerald Isle Open (EIEIO2) Intermediate 2nd Place 2005 Morley Field Spring Fling Intermediate 2nd Place 2005 Waller Pines Open Intermediate 4th Place 2005 Casitas Coyote Classic Intermediate 1st Place Winner! 2005 Southern California Championships Intermediate 1st Place 2006 Summertime Open Advanced 4th Place 2006 Southern California Championships Advanced 3rd Place 2006 Morley Field Course Championships Amateur Champion 2007 Ice Bowl in Paradise Advanced 2nd Place 2007 Sun Valley Open Advanced 4th Place 2007 Coyote Classic Advanced 2nd Place 2008 Morley Field Course Championship Open 5th Place
Favorite DG Website: The PDGA website is the most useful website, having all the past tournament results and upcoming tournament info. Without it, I may never remember what year I placed fourth at Mountain High! DiscGolfersRus is much more social, and is a great website too. It's nice to have an outlet for pics and videos, and a place to talk disc golf trash with friends.
Favorite Pro Player: My favorite pro to play with Micah Dorius. He and I have had a lot of good times as partners on Wednesday doubles, and he has taught me quite a few things about the game. Dave Feldberg is my favorite pro to hang out with off the course. He's a goofy, fun guy who likes to party, play poker and tell lame jokes. But technically, as I must play Pro at Morley, I will have to say that my favorite pro player is Big D!
Tips for other players that have helped you: Slow down, focus and follow through... slow down your motions and follow through. Most pros look almost like they're in slow motion until the point of release, and then all the momentum you create needs to follow through your shot. Focus on your line before you even think about throwing. Visualization is key to the game. When I stand at my lie, I see the shot I want happening in my mind over and over, until it's all that I can focus on, then throw that line just like it happened in my head. Sometimes I know it's in the basket just a fraction of a second after released, since I feel the shot hit the line just like in my head.